Wednesday 22 August 2012

Dreaming of a bright Christmas

actually spotted Christmas cards for sale in Dalston today. "whaaaat its only August" quickly subsided as this means its now completely acceptable for me to start getting excited about the big day, specifically Pedlars' fab range of illuminous goodies. 'Tis the season for all things fluoro, after all...

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Friday 10 August 2012

Industrial revolution

At first glance, this rather fetching coffee table almost looks like I could make one myself.

A palette which I spotted outside Pak Butcher* yesterday in Dalston, some industrial-style wheels and a little DIY?

But of course, on closer inspection the solid wood, glossy varnish and glass top have been nowhere near Pak's over-sized earrings or meat-based produce.

In fact it's made by ever-so stylish House Doctor DK, available at Bodie and Fou. Plus I love that it's styled with a stuffed bird, right up my street!

*Possibly the best name for a butchers ever? Not sure it beats "Halal is it meat you're looking for"...

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