Friday 27 April 2012

Head turner

With one skull not being quite enough in my house, these Donnie Deer canvases from Graham and Green might do the trick!

Quick and easy update with no danger of looking like my favourite shop on Essex Road...

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Monday 23 April 2012

Delightful drawers

I'm on the hunt for some new storage. It's currently for the bedroom, to find a new home for an ever-expanding collection of clothes... But what to choose? A wardrobe or chest of drawers feels like it will always belong in the bedroom...and with a hope of buying a flat in the not-too-distant future I'm not sure it's a commitment I'm willing to make

A swift click later and I've found this beautiful "mix and match" chest from Graham and Green

It's started me thinking. With a few upcycled drawers and shiny new knobs there's nothing stopping me creating my very own version.

I'm off to check out gumtree's offerings...


Sunday 22 April 2012

An elephant never forgets

I love the slightly battered finish to these metal trunks from Rowan and Wren. Perfect for storing absolutely anything, I'm going to fill a bottle green one with piles of fabrics which are waiting for a project.

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Tuesday 17 April 2012

Curves in all the right places

These rubber wood candlesticks from highstreet favourite Bo Concept are guaranteed to add interest and a touch of fun to a plain corner or windowsill.


Sunday 1 April 2012

Prints charming

I have a soft spot for beautiful paper. Many hours have been spent staring at the stuff in the upstairs of Paperchase. It's a bit like my love for fabric, only slightly less useful. I mean, I'm hardly going to waste it on wrapping a present.

Which is why when i stumbled across this snazzy selection of prints on 1973 and spotted that they had made useful boxes out of it...i just had to have one!

Now I just have to find something to put in the box
